CM/ECF is the U.S. Courts' standard document filing system. The acronym means Case Management/Electronic Case Files. You can access Wyoming District Court's CM/ECF by clicking this link.
CM/ECF Quick Links:
- How do I change my PASSWORD in CM/ECF?
- I need to register to use CM/ECF in Wyoming District Court
- I need a Pro Se Electronic Notification registration form
- I need the CM/ECF procedures manual
Pay.Gov Instructions
To e-pay your pro hac vice filing fee by credit card, file your motion and then do the following:
- Click on CIVIL
- Click on Other Documents under Other Filings
- Select Payment Entry and follow the prompts to pay electronically by credit card.
The court would like to make CM/ECF filers aware of certain security concerns relating to a software application or “plug-in” called RECAP, which was designed by a group from Princeton University to enable the sharing of court documents on the Internet.
Once a user loads RECAP, documents that he or she subsequently accesses via PACER are automatically sent to a public Internet repository. Other RECAP/PACER users are then able to see whether documents are available from the Internet repository. RECAP captures District and Bankruptcy Court documents, but has not yet incorporated Appellate Court functionality.
At this time, RECAP does not appear to provide users with access to restricted or sealed documents. Please be aware that RECAP is "open-source" software, which can be freely obtained by anyone with Internet access and modified for benign or malicious purposes, such as facilitating unauthorized access to restricted or sealed documents. Accordingly, CM/ECF filers are reminded to be diligent about their computer security practices to ensure that documents are not inadvertently shared or compromised.
If you are new to CM/ECF or PACER in Wyoming, here are some links and tips to help you get started. Please keep in mind that there are several document links listed below and you might want to revisit this page frequently to make sure you have the latest version.
There are two acronyms to know:
PACER stands for Public Access to Court Electronic Records
PACER is available to anyone that wishes to open an account. The account itself is free, but there is a minimal charge to use it (currently 10 cents per page of viewed or printed text). When opening your account, you may request that it work in any Federal Court in the United States. To obtain your account, please visit the PACER Service Center.
CM/ECF is short for Case Management/Electronic Case Files.
This is the current web-based filing system the U.S. Courts have adopted to make document filing readily accessible to anyone with internet access. You must have a valid CM/ECF account to use this part of the system and these accounts are given only to active attorneys in the District of Wyoming. If you are an attorney wishing to file electronically in the District Court of Wyoming and are already admitted in our Court but do not have a CM/ECF account please refer to these instructions. If you already have an e-filing account with the District of Wyoming but have not logged in any time after October 1, 2020, please visit for instructions on upgrading your PACER account and linking your CM/ECF Account to PACER.
Please note, there are some minimum hardware and software requirements your computer must have in order to file with our Court.
Once you know your system has the minimum requirements, please call to schedule training with our Casper or Cheyenne offices. You can simply: call the Help Desk number at 307/433-2120 or 307/232-2620 to arrange free training. (Please note that CM/ECF training will now be offered once a month in Cheyenne, typically on the 3rd Wednesday, from 2:00 - 3:00. Casper will continue to train new users as the need dictates. New users should call our office to reserve a seat.)
Once you have been trained by our Court and have obtained your account and are ready to file, you may need a refresher from the Procedures Manual or could use some tips we have found to be helpful to others. All filing attorneys should also keep our attorney checklist handy to assist them in filing in District Court.
If you were trained in electronic filing some time ago but need to review the steps, you can always visit the U.S. Courts' CBT (computer based training) site to get in a little practice.
The PACER Service Center has some Frequently Asked Questions you might want to check out. Always remember, you can call us at 307/433-2120 or 307/232-2620 if you still need help.
Since we are the Federal Court system, we have rules and regulations. Please take a look at them below. You were probably warned about them during training.
Two of the most important notices came down from Congress.
You can read about the E-Gov Act as well as the U.S. Courts' Privacy details and then please look at the Court's Privacy/Public Order on CM/ECF.