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Court Interpreter Page

Contract Court Interpreter Information

The intent of this page is to provide concise, detailed information to our contract interpreters. Please let the Court know if there is any necessary information we are not providing on this webpage.

Mileage: The current government mileage rate is $0.70 per mile.

Terms and Conditions: Please download and review the Administrative Office's current terms for interpreters.

Current Rate Schedule: This is to advise you of an increase in the maximum rates of payment for contract court interpreters paid from the general authorization. The new rates, listed below, become effective January 1, 2023.


  • Federally Certified Interpreters:
    Full-Day: $ 566.00
    Half-Day: $ 320.00
    Overtime: $ 80.00 per hour or part thereof


  • Professionally Qualified Interpreters:
    Full-Day: $ 495.00
    Half-Day: $ 280.00
    Overtime: $ 70.00 per hour or part thereof


  • Language Skilled Interpreters (non-certified):
    Full-Day: $ 350.00
    Half-Day: $ 190.00
    Overtime: $ 44.00 per hour or part thereof


The half-day rate is paid for services up to and including four hours in one day; the full-day (daily) rate is paid for services in excess of four hours up to and including eight hours in one day; the overtime/hourly rates apply if the workday exceeds eight hours, not including meal periods. This adjustment to the maximum rates does not automatically increase any exceptions to the rates previously approved.

Contract Interpreter Authorization Voucher: To claim payment on contract interpreting, please use the correct authorization voucher.

Contract Interpreter Itemized Travel Expense Voucher: To claim payment on contract interpreting travel expenses, please use the correct expense voucher.

PLEASE NOTE: We are supplying these documents to you in Acrobat Reader (PDF) format. Please click here to obtain a free download of the latest version of Adobe's Acrobat Reader.